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thailand cigarette packaging

Why do it in Thailand then? This is for several reasons. One them is most likely the thai government wanting cut back on their peoples' cigarette usage. An additional recognition is related to steer the public health risk surrounded by Smoking including a consideration of Cancer Risk, Ulcers and kidneys cancels which damaging severity in addition they really worried about hosts Health and prioritize as main mapping thought in Thailand.

Cigarette companies also have to abide by new regulations of their pack design. That is being changed to a plan that eventually will cover half of their packs with large, graphic images and explicit warnings about smoking. The intention of this amendment is to make sure that people are always aware that smoking takes a toll on health and may be detrimental in form.

    Why Thailand is Making Cigarette Packaging More Graphic

    Common examples of such images show the hallmark signs and consequences that, for example an unhealthy pack-a-day smoker will end up with. And the warnings will come in both Thai and English so no doubt more people can catch word. Warnings like: Smoking kills and Smoking may kill your family. This can be appended to all versions for the note that smoking kills!

    The warning, which is a small step up from the existing tiny and non-verbal card (outside of Smoking kills. That simple message, "Smoking kills," wedged around graphic images sandwiching cigarettes on packets seemed to represent an enormous victory in the fight against tobacco. ( New packets now to have much larger more graphic warnings & hopefully dissuade people!

    Why choose Shunho thailand cigarette packaging?

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