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Australia cigarette packaging

Australians are very concerned for the health of human being and they takes smoking in very serious manner. One of the toughest anti-smoking regulations globally. Australia was, in truth, the first nation in the world to have plain packaging for cigarettes on which we passed our laws. In effect, this means no other cigarette packet is allowed to be sold in Australia except for a plain pack. The new tobacco packaging packs also must have health warnings that take up at least 70% of the pack, as well as a considerable amount of space on tobacco advertising throughout the EU. 

The color of the cigarette packs must be dull brown that is unappealing. It is the tiny letters that comprise the name of the cigarettes. But the big, bold warning labels were kind of a flashing light. This Shunho rule began in 2012 because the Australian government aims to make smokers smoke less, as a result keep Australia citizen lifes.

Plain packaging drives down smoking rates in Australia

Around the world, numerous countries have viewed Australia's "plain packaging" legislation as a success. They tobacco packaging australia have taken a lead from Australia, made similar laws about plain packaging for cigarettes. There is no doubt that these rules has had a huge success and has decreased the number of smokers in Australia. The Shunho number of smokers has dropped by around 2.2 per cent a year since the plain packaging rules started. Wow, that is 84% less! Overall, this would mean a 10% smoking rate in Australia — which Health Minister Greg Hunt calls "" the single biggest change of public health outcome. 

When you combine the plain packaging rules with big health warnings and nice big pictures of rotten lungs and diseased kids, you have a very effective means of reducing smoking. The warnings show images of ill organs — such as the lungs and heart — that reveal damage from tobacco consumption. While these may come with graphic pictures, there are also warnings about how harmful this habit can be on a long term basis. Such shocking images and messages really made people think before having that stick of cigarette.

Why choose Shunho Australia cigarette packaging?

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